I'm so excited, my older sister, Amy, and her cute husband, Dustin, had their first child together. Her name is Chloe Isabell Duncan, she is 8 lb 7 oz, 19.5 inches long (which just happens to be the exact size I was when I was born). She is beautiful! Her little head is even perfectly round.
Mom is doing well, I was actually a little surprised when I saw her and she look so rested and put together, not at all how I would feel after being in labor all night long, getting no sleep, and having a not so small baby.
Greg and I stopped by to see how they were doing and spent some time with everyone. Skyler and Emily (Amy's son and Dustin's daughter, both 10 years old) are very excited about their new little sister. While Dustin was giving Chloe her first bath they watched at the window and proudly announced to every passerby that "our baby is in there". Most just walked on by ignoring the kids but one young resident stopped and talked to them. Asking which one was their baby and being excited with them. It was so nice of him and completely adorable on the kids part.