Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am old

So I just celebrated my birthday. I have to admit that I didn't really expect that I would really turn 30. Though I imagined getting old and gray with grand kids running around, turning 30 never really played into my imagined world.
I am not so much upset about being 30, it just doesn't seem like a number that fits ME. Plus kissing my 20's goodbye is... well... just weird!
Not long ago people in their 30's were these very old people, they were practically over the hill. I am definitely no where near over the hill. I feel nearly the same as I did when I was 25, and that isn't very old.
My sister tells me to look on the bright side, I am in a much better place professionally, financially, and romantically than I was when I turned 20. That is very true. I am happy with my life and where I am. But frankly, I liked that life better when I was 29.

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