Monday, December 29, 2008

Santa Time

We had a great first Christmas together. We spent Christmas Eve with my family for our traditional dinner and chimes and our not so traditional opening of gifts. My parents gave us a chest freezer and a wall hanging commemorating the establishment of the Ferrell family. After we came home Greg went to bed and I spent my sleepless night rearranging our family room. This was my activity of choice to better accommodate my new freezer.
We decided to spend Christmas morning in our own home. We got up to find that Santa had filled our stockings. We then started on our Christmas gifts to each other. Greg got me a big flash for the Nikon camera he got me last year. I got Greg a Play Station 3. He didn't expect that. I was thrilled that he liked his new toy.
We spent the rest of the day with Greg's mom. The downside of the day was that due to a full schedule Greg didn't get to play any video games until around ten Christmas night. The unfortunate effects of having lots of people who love you and want to enjoy your company I guess.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Merry Christmas

Greg and I are excited to celebrate our first Christmas as a family. When Greg was younger he used to go cut down his own tree so we went to a tree farm and cut down our own tree. It was not the adventure that he remembered but it was fun. When we got the tree home we decorated our house and set up the tree. To our surprise the tree came with a special treat, bugs and spiders. Though I was not thrilled about the bonus that came with the tree, it is a pretty tree and has made our house smell like Christmas.
We have also celebrated my birthday this week. Greg took the day off of work so that we could spend the whole day together. We didn't do anything special during the day, just enjoyed each other. Greg had made reservations for us at The Roof restaurant. That was where Greg proposed to me last year on my birthday. We walked around Temple Square looking at the lights before dinner and then enjoyed dinner overlooking those same beautiful lights.