Monday, May 4, 2009

Spare time

Firstly, I am a graduate! I can't believe that I have a MASTERS DEGREE!!!!!! Oh my heck! I am done. I am not sure what to do with myself without having homework.
Well what I did decide to do was change my sad and bare dirt patch into an actual garden. It is still a little sparse but leaps and bounds better than the ugly little dirt patch. Any of you that know me know that I am not very good at gardening so this was a big task for me. :) I must give credit to the local nursery without whom my garden might still be limiting my neighbor's property value. YEAH!!!


Kristin Garrett said...

YAY DONNA! I love your cute little garden. I myself went outside to get rid of the weeds in our own little house. I love it! I myself have a black thumb, Brad doesn't let me watch his plants because even my stare will kill them! LOL But good for you, I am happy you are done with school and can't wait to see what you do with your practitionerism and where you end up (Ogden.... Ogden.... Ogden....!!!!!!!! Chanting helps sometimes right?) Anyhow, congrats! I myself am going to do the medical billing thing, so if you need a good biller, I'm your woman in about 1 year! =0)

chelsea said...

so it's a good thing that i'm totally nosy and click on all kinds of things, because then i can find your blog. a nurse practitioner? that's so cool and congratulations! I love finding old friends blogs, i hope you don't mind. it sounds like things are going well, take care, chelsea (vielstich) worth.

Unknown said...

It looks like its beautiful garden, Hope you love it so much.
Thanks for sharing...

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